måndag 7 januari 2013

Nu är jag här!

Hej!! Nu är jag här. Jag har haft ett så härligt jullov, lugnt och skönt och fullt med folk jag tycker om. Helt underbart. Vi har också rensat en del här hemma och jag har organiserat upp pysselskåpet. Mm. Det får jag visa en bild på när det blir ljust någongång när jag är hemma.

Tills dess får jag visa några andra saker:

Årets citrusmarmelad, ett hembakat vaniljhjärta och jag som Amy Winehouse på skolans maskerad tidigare i höstas! Vi hörs snart!

(Hello!! Now I'm here. I've had such a great time during the holidays, nice and slow and a lot of people I like. So lovely. We've also cleaned out some cupboards and I've organized the crafting cupboard. Mm. I will show you a picture when it's finally a bit of light sometime when I'm home.

Until then I'll have to show you some other things:

The citrus marmelade of this year, a home made vanilla heart and me as Amy Winehouse at my job's annual Halloween celebrations! We'll talk again soon!)

6 kommentarer:

  1. Vad kul att du är tillbaks! :D

  2. So nice to see you back! You look great as Amy :)

  3. Vad fin du var som Amy! Roligt!

  4. Hi!! I`m an old, old, but very old of your followers. And i was wandering: "When you will come back to give us your smile and a piece of your simple but awesome way of life??? Really. I love your blog and all of those moments that you shared with us. I miss to read you, please, start again to write.
    I´m from Italy, sincerely hugs! ^_^

  5. Tack alla, vad fina ni är!

    Thank you, sweet! :)

    Varla: Hello! That's so sweet of you, thanks a lot for your message! You make me very happy, and I feel inspiration to write more here :) It feels truly amazing that someone out there misses me when I'm quiet here, thanks for sharing that! I've been working so much ever since August, so my darling blog has been suffering. Now I'm feeling a bit more balanced about work and am looking forward to spend a lot of time here. Your comment made my day, thanks again. Have a lovely day! Love, Anna

  6. Believe i´m understand when u talk about time and work, heehee! Thanks to you for answer, it was a sweet surprise for me. Hugs and smiles, i will read above. ^_^


Tack för att du lämnar en kommentar, jag blir så glad <3

Thank you for leaving a comment, that makes me so happy <3