onsdag 13 april 2011


Blåsippan ute i backarna står

niger och säger att nu är det vår

Barnen de plocka små sipporna glatt

springer sen hem under rop och skratt

Mor är i stugan hon säger så

blåsippor aldrig snuva få

Än få ni gå med båd strumpor och skor

än är det vinter kvar, säger mor

- Anna Maria Roos och Alice Tegnér

(The hepatica is out in the slopes

curtsys and says that now it is spring

The children pick the small flowers happily

then runs home during shouts and laughter

Mother is in the cottage and says

the heptica never gets a cold

You still have to wear both socks and shoes

It's still winter left says mother

This is a Swedish children's song by Anna Maria Roos and Alice Tegnér. It sounds very strange in translation. It's pretty though, maybe I should have sung it to you instead.)

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